Saturday May 6, 2017 4:02 PM to 5:02 PM

Accessing and Navigating Today’s Healthcare Maze

Knowledge is power. This is certainly just as true in the world of medicine and healthcare as it is in any other area of our lives. That’s why I am now offering free Information Sessions to my community.

I believe the more you know…the better you understand how and why our healthcare system works the way it does…the more likely you are to make decisions about your medical care and treatment that are best for you.

Treating a medical condition is not always as simple as taking a pill or having an operation. I’d like you to join me in taking the conversation a little deeper, to explore all the options you have, as you make the very important decisions about your health and wellbeing.

Please join me for my next Information Session to learn more about my philosopy of medicine and what options are available to you.

Reservations required due to limited space!

RSVP deadline is past